Curated Home & Life

Stay at Home Ideas - Snohomish County, WA

Written by | Mar 26, 2020 3:54:14 PM

March is a great month! Yes it’s the first month of the year without a federal holiday and we lose an hour due to daylight savings time… indeed it does rain quite a bit here in the Pacific Northwest so it is a bit cold and dreary… therefore, nailing the perfect March wardrobe can be a challenge (but I digress)… however, in spite of all of that March is a great month.

Indeed, we are living in unprecedented times and March 2020 will go down in the books as a watershed moment and turning point for us all. Granted each of us are affected differently and in various ways but there is no denying that everyone is being impacted in one way or another.

Stay at Home Ideas

So, with the various challenges that we are required to face what shall we do? How can we take on this challenge with a “Can Do” point of view?

Well here are some ideas to get you started. Click the blue “Share” button at the bottom of this post to share with others and/or leave us a comment on our Facebook page about other ideas you would add to the list. We’d love to hear from you!

Think of others!

My Mom’s advice is the best and stands the test of time – think of others and then do for others.

Reach out (through phone or text) and check in on your neighbors and extended family. Maybe they need a few rolls of toilet paper and you need a few tablespoons of bread yeast. Save a trip to the store and trade commodities (six feet apart of course).

Handwrite and mail a card to encourage a friend. Um hello!? This is something that should be done more. FB messaging doesn’t even compare to receiving a card in the mailbox. If you’re looking for amazing greeting cards and so much more, desk related, check out my sister-in-law, Rosanna’s, shop Shorthand. Order online and she’ll send whatever you need straight to your door.

Take a “Litter Walk” to help clean up your neighborhood. Fresh air and helping your neighborhood look spiffy – so cool & neighborly.


Read a book!

Yes, of course, Netflix and Amazon Prime are still streaming, but all of the Zoom calls and utilizing technology during the day as we work on keeping up with school and work (while practicing social distancing) can take a toll. Give your eyes a break from the screen and get cozy with a book – one that you can hold in your hand and turn the pages.

Recently I have found books on our shelves that either I haven’t had a chance to read, or I haven’t read in a while. What a treasure trove of goodness! I’m in the middle of Lord of the Rings – Fellowship of the Ring right now. Also, don’t forget that no matter the age of your kids everyone loves to be read to. There couldn’t be a better time to have an evening read aloud.

Learn the guitar!

If you have always wanted to learn to play the guitar, now might be just the right time for you! David Harsh, a friend of our team (and husband to Whitney) has an online guitar membership designed to help people take their guitar playing to the next level–right from the comfort of their own home!  Learn more at


Anxious and motivated to cleanse your home of germs? March is the time to get busy with Spring-Cleaning and nobody knows it better than Martha Stewart. Check out – Your Ultimate Spring-Cleaning Checklist.

In addition, click here to view the “Clean & Disinfect” guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Get Dirty!

Head outside and work to prep a garden space and weed existing flower beds. Studies have shown that dirt under your fingernails is a sure remedy for the March blues, so go ahead and get grimy with good clean dirt.

Wipe Down Your SmartPhone!

Just think through all of the places your phone has been and how often it has been handled. Yikes! Now don’t fret but be sure to 

clean your smartphone daily by spraying a 70% isopropyl disinfectant on a lint-free cloth and wiping it down. Be sure to take the case off your phone as well.

Listen to Music!

Music can have a profound effect on both the emotions and the body. Faster music can make you feel more alert and concentrate better. Upbeat music can make you feel more optimistic and positive about life. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day.  How do we know this? Personal experience, of course, but research also supports the claim that music is effective for relaxation and stress management.  Researchers at Stanford University have said that “listening to music seems to be able to change brain functioning to the same extent as medication.” They noted that music is something that almost anybody can access, which makes it an easy stress reduction tool.